Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A New Favorite Drink For The Diva!
Yes, I'm Book-Keeper by day and Diva by night!! ooo la la!
So at my day job the employees list keeps increasing and the office is just bursting at the seams, I take my 4 days off and come back and there are new employees added, desks re-arranged chairs stolen! (they all KNOW never to take my chair!!)
Today our Internet was down (not good in our line of work... but then that means you have to find things to occupy your time) they had a big meeting, I figured it would be fun to pretend we had MSN with sticky notes. One co-worker actually drew one of his emoticons, I laughed so hard!
Well with all the new employees my bosses decided to have a welcome party at their home. Well this Diva has been under a lot of stress and was quite in need of a party!!
My bosses are from the UK and started the night by serving everyone a Pimm's! We all asked what it was... here of course is the Wikipedia version....
Pimm's is a brand of alcoholic beverages now owned by Diageo. Its most popular product is Pimm's No. 1 Cup, a gin-based beverage that can be served both on ice or in cocktails. The recipe of Pimm's No. 1 Cup is secret; it has a dark tea colour with a reddish tint, and tastes subtly of spice and citrus fruit.
Pimm's is most common in Britain, particularly Southern England. It is one of the two staple drinks at Wimbledon, the Henley Royal Regatta and the Glyndebourne opera festival, the other being champagne. As a result Pimm's has the reputation of being a drink for the upper class.
Pimm's No. 1 Cup is the essential ingredient in the Pimm's Cup, which mixes one part Pimm's No.1 with three parts lemonade or lemon soda (sometimes ginger ale or Indian tonic water), ice cubes, borage leaves (nowadays a wedge of cucumber is usually substituted for this ingredient - they have a similar taste), mint leaves and slices of lemon, orange and strawberry.
Well this Diva has found a lovely drink which goes down way too easy if you know what I mean! They served it only with the strawberries and oranges. I would probably just drink it straight up as well. I have the same affinity with the liqueur Hypnotic, a person asked what I liked to mix hypnotic with? I said mix? I like it in a tall glass with ice!
The Pimm's was a great success and some had more than others, but the bottle was emptied in short order.
Monday morning I was MSN'd about where was the Pimm's? and with that a few of us decided that we should have FRIDAY'S BUS TO WORK AND DRINK PIMM'S DAY!
In closing.....Buy a bottle with all the fixings, pretend you are getting ready to watch Wimbledon with the upper class but MAKE sure it's a Friday Night!!
Diva M
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
When do you make the transition from handshake to hug to kiss on one cheek to kiss on both cheeks?
I realized that I am in the public eye a lot, and have made lots of acquaintances along the way. I start out by a good firm hand shake. A hand shake should always be good. Why do some people give such lousy handshakes, weird, flimsy, creepy, grab the hand wrong, or one that was done to me; didn’t cup the hand just shook a flat hand in mine. WEIRD!
We talk about bad handshakes all the time too, so how come those that give the bad handshake don’t question ‘their’ handshake. “Hummm do I have a bad handshake? Are they talking about me?” YES! WE ARE!… and we would like you to stop doing weird handshakes. And boys, none of this wimpy stuff, get it in gear and show some strength!
From the handshake greeting we move into the hug. Hugs are good and apparently we need many hugs/touches a day. I think after you’ve know a person for awhile it’s good to give a hug in a greeting or a departing. I won’t criticize hugs, because it’s people in your ‘personal space’ so maybe your weird hug is because you don’t want people that close. Go back to the handshake.
I’ve recently moved on to the ‘fake’ kiss on one side. How do you know when to do the fake kiss? How do you know they won’t try to turn in and really kiss you? Or maybe you might WANT the real kiss. But how do we know when the fake kiss comes into play? Do we send out memos?
Dear new Acquaintance; I feel that our relationship has moved beyond the hug level, we are now going to do the fake kiss on one side, please check off whether you are the right side or the left.
And then when do we move to the fake kiss on both cheeks? Again what decides this? It is very perplexing to me and my little world. Or is this all just a European thing?
Maybe I should have gotten some sleep last night.
Diva M
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Just When Things Were A Movin' and a Shakin'
I've only been blogging for a few months and I can see the changes that have happened in my heart and soul in that short time. I feel like I've jumped forward in leaps and bounds and ready to take on the next phase of life only to be gut punched down.
My childrens father came home from working away after 3 months with a 30 pound tumor in his abdomen. Errrrrrrrrrrrrch that was my car coming to a complete halt.
He has been sick for the past year and could never pin point just what it was until now. Thank God he got in when he did, I don't know how much longer he could have carried on as his internal organs were so stressed by the large tumor.
Nothing in life prepares you for this or any other kind of trauma, and so you have no choice but to grab a hold of the crazy ride and hang on. We called upon our friends and churches to pray and send well wishes, which has given us a strength to walk this journey. With all the support of prayers, meals our family does not feel alone, and never before have I understood the concept of "we MUST not go through life alone" and it's even more evident though a trauma.
We are not out of the woods yet, as we are still waiting for the pathology report to tell us what the tumor was, and how they will proceed.
But we are not alone.
Diva M
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